About Diagnosis

Our Diagnostic programmes have been designed to assess in the best possible way a person's clinical needs, to establish a diagnosis (if there is one), and at the same time educate both patients and relatives about symptoms, diagnoses, and best possible treatments.

A correct diagnosis and a comprehensive understanding of a person's history and current problems are the golden cornerstones for effective treatment. We use validated gold-standard interviews and self-report psychometric measures that usually can only be found in treatment trials conducted in specialist academic clinical centres.

Thanks to Dr Yanni Malliaris' research and clinical work since 2002 at the Institute of Psychiatry, King's college London, we have even improved some of these diagnostic tools, and have developed some of our own.

We Predict & Prevent

Psychometric Diagnosis

Our two flagship diagnostic programmes "Prodromos - Diagnosis" and "Prodromos - Monitoring" are based on Dr Malliaris' doctoral thesis and overall research programme on the measurement and monitoring of mental health problems in general and mood disorders in particular. This research is backed up by decades of empirical work by many mental health researchers who have been working to quantify mental health and hence lead to effective and measurable treatment interventions.​

"Prodromos - Diagnosis" is open to all people who may experience difficulties with their mental health and wish to find out more about their mental health, whereas "Prodromos - Monitoring" is open only to patients who have a diagnosis of bipolar disorder or a unipolar depressive disorder.

Both programmes aim at clarifying a person's diagnosis, and also predicting the course of their disorder, hence the Greek world "Prodromos", which means the forerunner of an event.

Novel technologies (with a human touch)

We also use novel new technologies for assisting the clinical monitoring and treatment of our patients.

Our research has been instrumental in developing a novel electronic mood diary (iMonitor) and assisting with the development of an Actiwatch (Porcupine) that can monitor objectively all kinds of activities that help to track the course of complex recurrent mood disorders.

​Our patients benefit from the use of state-of-art smart-watches and smartphone apps and also breakthrough Virtual-Reality therapies that assist even with the most complex needs for symptom monitoring and treatment.​

Our e-Learning platform has webinars and therapy programs that assist the treatment progress throughout the patient journey.​

These technologies always assist, and never replace human contact.


Once we have a good understanding of the diagnosis then our treatment programmes are tailored to each person's individual needs. We rely on evidence based effective treatments that are always delivered in the most humane and caring manner.

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Our training programme ensures that our team is always evolving and growing in order to best support all the needs of our patients. We have an amazing training programme on the diagnosis and treatment of mood disorders that also serves the needs of patients who cannot afford private care. Our students and trainees benefit from expert training and also provide an important service to our community.

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